Monday 25 July 2011

The Bright side of winter.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Rosemount Australian Fashion Week (The Volly Edition - Usher Stylin)

It's 5AM Monday morning and i hear the dreaded sound of my super aggressive iPhone alarm screeching at me from across my desk. I may have a deep love for fashions, but i am defs not a morning person!

Showered, and dressed in my 'Volly' (volunteer) outfit which consists of a black t-shirt with a white paint stripe designed by Josh Goot (one of my friends playfully compared it to an Elephant Cum Stain) i made my way to the Overseas Passenger Terminal at Circular Quay, Coffee & Cigarette in hand.

Unfortunately for me I didn't land any off-site shows, so i would be working between the OPT stage (Upstairs) and the Cargo Stage (downstairs).
After waiting half an hour in the freezing cold we were separated into two groups, and we were taken up to the OPT to prepare the 2nd show of the week, Bec & Bridge.
Our job consisted of keeping the venue tidy and organised (all seating numbers corrected, making sure there were no dangerous hazards for a-list celebrities and packing gift bags ( and also sampling the products in the gift bags - just to make sure they were okay - of course!!).
We were then allocated positions for the show, i was lucky enough to be checking tickets, which meant i got to get up close and personal with people that i had previously only been able to cyber hug, in a non-stalker kind of way of course!!
After everyone was seated our job was mainly crowd control in front of the media who would actually snap your neck if you got in their shot. There were a few aggressive words swapped between the FTV & News limited teams, settle down fellas!!

The show then started. Becky Cooper and Bridget Yorston inspiration had come from architecture in New York, and they had used this concept to create an array of digital prints. The lines were loose, the textures were slippery and ultra feminine and i loved it all. Defs my fav from day one. Perhaps my most hearted aspect of the collection was the collaboration Bec&Bridge had with Akubra to create a range of stunning fedora's that will be a massive hit next season, at least in my wardrobe anyway!!

P.s they're ava at bec & bridge online and Strand Hatters of Sydney.

 Images from